Wake Me Now Numbness engulfs me as I reside on the edge of the other side. I feel the magnetic pull of something I can not perceive. I am in the quiet warmth of a forbidden womb, or is his just another dream? Things so familiar are cloudy, I am unable to reach the light… read more
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A Guarded Journey
I am working on a Series of football related paintings… this series is called A Guarded Journey. It reflects my feelings today looking back on my 17 year NFL career. It starts with Ghost Story, Act I. It is my first NLF experience. Joe Kapp our Qb and Bob Lilly my opponent. The works are posted… read more
Cruise Art
We are preparing for 20 days at sea…headed for Pamama. It is in celebratiion of Jo’s 70th birthday …I am looking forward to documenting our trip with my art. The colorist in me is beginning to get excited. We will be stopping in a couple Mexican ports, Guatemala ,Costa Rica and Nicaragua on our way… read more
Art Matters… Art Matters!!!
Art Matters… Art Matters!!! As I remember back on my college art history classes at Berkeley, and having walked through a few of Holy Grail Of Art vaults…such as …The Vatican in Rome , Uffizi in Florence , Metropolitan Art Museum In New York, and the Legion of Honor in San Francisco, I certainly respect… read more
Footballs Super HEROS
11-29-18 Julian Fall went by faster than a speeding bullet! The wood stacked and ready to burn for our toasty winter fires. It is just the end of November and we are excepting some snow with this new storm. i am out in the studio working on my Football Super Heros series…it starts with Don… read more
Marching On
I have called myself an Environmental Abstract Expressionist…my work is influenced by my life. I use my Art skills to interprete these life experiences. From the end of Feburary to the first of March…..it has been an exaggeration of weather events for us in the mountains …from a one day total of 3 1/2″ of… read more
THE ART ZONE …”when the flow of energy is a subconscious act directed by God”…the art zone EW 3/15/13 …My Art is an interesting journey…I used to get frustrated by it , but discovered that the frustration was a result of not relaxing and just going deeper into the components of good… read more
Fall in Portland
The Pacific North West in Fall .. Nothing is more beautiful
I am honored to be inducted into the Gridiron Greats Hall of Fame this weekend in Las Vegas. The Gridiron Greats are a group that has been a major player helping retired NFL players in need over the years. I am donating a large pen and ink of Howie Long that will be auctioned at… read more
Art in the Garden
05/ 08/18 Oak Lake Art Center Today we had a great day of art with the after-school program at Julian Elementary. We focused on things of beauty in their lives.. Lots of color and fun…they want me back next Wednesday. Still napping!
Spring on the Mountain and in the High Desert!
I have been spending my time around the beautiful colors of the Spring Bloom on the mountain and in the desert. The colors and sounds of all the plant material and wildlife give me so much energy to paint. Expressing the sights and sounds as I process it all. I hope your Spring is as… read more
The weather on the mountain has been off the hook. Alive with all the bees, birds , turkey, quail, deer, mountain lion, Lynx and a breeze with the sweet smell of flowers blooming. I am excited about my art and the interest it has stirred…it is keeping me very busy. Art is truly healing… I… read more
On a Mission!
Life has been a full journey for me. From the absolute low of personnel loss… to the highest of peaks. After a 17 year NFL career, 4 years of college and 4 of high school I would have expected head injuries to take its toll. A week ago Friday I was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s .… read more
I have been consentrating on dateline all my work…hope you will enjoy.
I have always felt that Art is medicine….one week ago I was diagnosed with Alzhimers . I have been painting and drawing and staying in the meditative zone of art. God willing I will have many years of that left!
One more Floral Painting…
…after a hand full of pencil sketches I will finish my second floral painting…the first was ‘Pretty Blue’ , a beautiful cerelean blue vase contrasted against white Lilly’s. They set on a old fashion doily…the piece is 14×11 Acrylic on Arches Paper…I love it! …the second painting is 24×18 Acrylic on Arches Paper. Taken off… read more
I have recently been concentrating on compiling the portfolio of my work…it has been enlightening to see my progress as a painter and designer, as well as the raw beauty of earlier works and thoughts. Thank you all for being such fantastic supporters of my art. There is nothing that feels better than seeing my… read more
”Super Blue Moon’ Eclipse
SUPER BLUE MOON Early in the morning of Wed, Jan 31, 2018, the second full moon of January will happen…it is called ‘The Super Blue Blood Moon’…becomes a total eclipsed… As I get ready to look East on that morning and capture this event. I will prepare 3 – 12×9 papers to record my feelings…my… read more
Moms Journey Begins
Mom passed a few weeks back…since I have been home I have been surrounded by wild life. Just before we got the news we had a Lynx cross our path as we walked down our driveway. The Deer have visited me every day. Today at least 6 and small babes. The owl talks to me… read more
On The Road In Lincoln City Oregon
We are headed into the third week of our road trip. I was totally captivated by the beauty of the Pacific North West. Most of our time was spent along the shores of the Columbia River. We soaked up the sounds of barges, tugs, wild life and trains… I managed to capture some interesting moments… read more